مباحث کلاسها
دوستان عزیزم در اینجاگزینه هایی از مباحث کلاسها در اختیار شما قرار داده میشود
I never stop until i get my goals
[ Amir Arian: Are u serious person? I am serious at work but at home im very kind
Amir Arian: Tease مسخره کردن
Amir Arian: Dont make fun of him مسخره نکن
Amir Arian: Send or bring it
Amir Arian: So u are my neighbor
Amir Arian: Who lives next door? Mr rahmani taxi driver lives next door
Amir Arian: In our neighbourhood a police lives
Amir Arian: Guest مهمان
Amir Arian: Guess حدس زدن
Amir Arian: Guest roon اتاق پذبرایی
Amir Arian: In private= privately Have fun خوش باشی
[ Amir Arian: The elder child is boy بچه ارشدم پسر است
Amir Arian: Play silently به طور ساکت بازی کنید
Amir Arian: Suntan lotion کرم ضد افتاب
Amir Arian: Closet کلوزت کمد
Amir Arian: Clothes لباس
Amir Arian: Spacious
Amir Arian: Steam rice دم کردن برنج
Amir Arian: Well job jod سعل پد درامد
Amir Arian: Brave شجاع
Amir Arian: Spend on
Amir Arian: I spend 2hours on watching football Amir Arian: Keep the changr بقیش مال خودت
Amir Arian: Get in for cars
Amir Arian: Get on train bus
Amir Arian: Im on board i an in aitplane
Amir Arian: Go to the hard of the matter
Amir Arian: برو سر اصل مطلب
Amir Arian: Understanding similarities
Amir Arian: نقاط مشترک
Amir Arian: Misuse اشتباهی استفاده کردن
Amir Arian: Abuse سوی استفاده کردن
Amir Arian: Normal abnormal
Amir Arian: Horse laughing
Amir Arian: Smile
Amir Arian: Giggling خنده نقلی
Amir Arian: Horse laughing خنده اسبی
Amir Arian: This is people who are under pressure
Amir Arian: Economic stability ثبات اقتصادی
Amir Arian: For # ing
Amir Arian: I stay out of itخودت میدونی
Amir Arian: من میرم کنار
Amir Arian: Im not joking im talking seriously
Amir Arian: شوخی نمیکنم جدی میگم
Because I am purposeful and decisive person هدفمند و مصمم هستم
You are right
حق با شماست
You are absolutely/truly/completely right
شما کاملا درست میفرمایید
Yes sir
بله اقا
Yes of course
بله حتما
Yes indeed it’s very hot indeed today
بله صراحتا همینطور است
It is
همینطور هست
I believe you
من به شما ایمان دارم
That’s it
Yes it is
بله همینطور است
I understand your words/ I agree
حرفات و میفهمم
I follow your words
من از حرفای شما پیروی میکنم
We are in the same boat
ما با هم هم عقیده هستیم
We have the same idea
نظر ما (ایده ما) با هم یکسان است
It’s nothing but it
چیز دیگه ای نیست به غیر از این
Apart from that, it’s nothing
جدای از این(به غیر از این) چیز دیگه ای نمیتون باش
You have always been right
شما همیشه درست میگید. همیشه حق با شما بوده
آینده نزدیک
I will be waiting eagerly for you
He will be staying in camp next week
She will be reading book tomorrow at 8 pm
They will be playing football at 4 tomorrow
We will be having fun by the end of the next week.
future perfect tense
۱۰ years later I will have established my own engineering company
۲۰ years later I will have married with my ideal girl
۷ years later I will have made business with Americans
۱۰ years later I will have been electronic engineer Dr from Harvard University
In 10 years I will have been second of my father in hospital
Exclamation marks
حالات تعجب
Oh my God= Oh my goodness= Oh my gush
Jesus Christ
good gracious=good God
Wow= window on the world
Really= really really
بخشی از آموزش زبان از طریق ترانه
I‘ve never seen you looking so gorgeous as you did tonight,
تا حالا نئیئه ام که انقدر جیگر شده باشی
I’ve never seen you shine so bright, you were amazing,
تا حالا ندیده ام انقدر درخشان باشی،شگفت انگیز شدی
I’ve never seen so many people want to be there by your side,
هرگز ندیده ام که انقدر از تو بخواهند که کنارت باشند
And when you turned to me and smiled, it took my breath away,
و وقتی که برگشتی و لبخند زدی نفس من و بردی
And I have never had such a feeling,
همچین احساسی تا به حال نداشته ام
Such a feeling of complete and utter love, as I do tonight;
همچین احساس کاملی از عشق
The lady in red is dancing with me, cheek to cheek,
خانمی در لباس قرمز با من میرقصد
There’s nobody here, it’s just you and me,
هیچ کسی اینجا نیست فقط تو و من
It’s where I want to be,
و این جایی هست که میخواهم باشم
But I hardly know this beauty by my side,
اما باورش سخت برام که همچین شخص زیبایی کنارم باشد
I’ll never forget the way you look tonight;
هرگز فراموش نخواهم کرد طوری که امشب به نظر میای
I never will forget the way you look tonight…
من هرگز فراموش نمیکنم طوری که امشب به نظر میرسی
The lady in red, the lady in red,
خانمی در لباس قرمز
The lady in red, my lady in red, I love you… دوست دارم
unpleasant weather caused us to stay home
i humbly request you that to verify my exam sheet one more time, perhaps something dropped
.or missed accidentally
=strong advice=advice=recommendation
i strongly recommend you that
i fatherly recommend you that
i motherly recommend you that
i brotherly/friendly/sisterly/teacher recommend you that
kordestan province of Iraq became autonomous
i stood on my foot since i was 15 years old accept it Mr Jackc Richard was approved as dean of universitys
his approval made him very happy
his refusal made him sad
i appoint you as supervisor in this educational center
the second world war caused a lot of disturbance
your explanation/description was full proof
this building has been built haphazardly
my grand father needs constant attention
i asked frequent questions from my teacher
i sneezed frequently
he is broad shoulder
Mr president travels broadly/widely/international
i wanna expand my business
considering the fact that sanction on Iran is still applied, it seems that
economy of Iran is pressurized that only the leader of Iran can remove all limitations who is very tough and not easy to please.
,, excuse me i didn’t do it on purpose
i intend to go to Australia
i tend to go to …
i i didn’t do it intentionally
by the advent of computers many tasks made/became easier
vahid is more agile than me
although your class is private,its advantageous
i go even though it snows heavily
with your permission با اجازتون
lets go=let us go
i hope the situation will be better sooner
in GHadir Eve holy phrophet named Ali as his second
در رورز قدیر پیامبر اکرم علی را به عنوان جانشین خودش معرفی کرد
today i want to name my second
انجام دادن perferm=carry out=execute
raise hand to ask
ministry of defense defy country boarders from attackers
last week we removed our house
iran yearly brings in billions of dollar as investment